Ko te Moemoeā – Our Vision, Ko Ngā Uara – Values, Ko te Uaratanga – Our Mission
Ko te Moemoeā – Our Vision
We will provide excellence through challenging, stimulating learning environments and quality education that will develop all students into lifelong learners, nurturing their pride in being Māori to stand confidently and competently in this modern and ever changing world.
Ko te Uaratanga - Our Mission
Ka pūmanawanui ki te reo, ki te ako, kia tū rangatira ai
We are committed to delivering quality language, culture and education for the mokopuna to realize their full potential.
Ko Ngā Uara - Values
We work together to promote, develop and maintain these values.
A Aroha | Love
R Rangatiratanga | Integrity
A HAumarutanga | Safety
T Tuakiritanga | Identity
A WhAkaute | Respect
K PiKikōtuku | Excellence
I ManaakItanga | Caring